Janny's Podcast: Janeration

Janny's Podcast: Janeration

  • 10 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Jul 15, 2021
Make a 1-time donation

Hey there!

Thank you so much for taking the time to tune into Janeration!

As a new podcaster, I am learning that the work and energy it takes to build and create high-quality content is very time-consuming and can be very costly. I would appreciate any donations to go towards paying for classes and equipment that would help propel my talent and skillset it takes to grow from a beginner podcast, to a professional podcast.

I currently only offer audio podcast, but would like to move forward with creating video content as well to establish myself more as a self-help influencer and voice-over artist. Any support is graciously appreciated and will be used towards building visual and inspirational content for my listeners.

Thank you again for your support! Cheers!!


Janny Nguyễn

Hello! I'm Janny! My podcast will be about sharing my life stories that pertain to building better relationships with yourself and the people in your life. I will be covering stories about entrepreneurship, Vietnamese heritage, mental and health wellness, astrology, and food. The name of my podcast, Janeration, is a play with the words generation, narration, and my name, Janny! My goal is to share and narrate my stories with the intent to help heal or to encourage self-love, empowerment, and respect for my listeners; as well as the people that are involved in their lives in this time and generation. Everyone goes through trials and tribulations in their life. It's important to acknowledge them, accept what happened, and take responsibility for life and our future. So lets establish ourselves and create connections through our intersectionality! Cheers to you and me! Lets go!!!