Janny's Podcast: Janeration

Janny's Podcast: Janeration

  • 10 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Jul 15, 2021
Make a 1-time donation

Hey there!

Thank you so much for taking the time to tune into Janeration!

As a new podcaster, I am learning that the work and energy it takes to build and create high-quality content is very time-consuming and can be very costly. I would appreciate any donations to go towards paying for classes and equipment that would help propel my talent and skillset it takes to grow from a beginner podcast, to a professional podcast.

I currently only offer audio podcast, but would like to move forward with creating video content as well to establish myself more as a self-help influencer and voice-over artist. Any support is graciously appreciated and will be used towards building visual and inspirational content for my listeners.

Thank you again for your support! Cheers!!


Janny Nguyễn

10 Latest episodes

Aug 29, 2021 S02 E04 00:24:43

Hey fam!

Today's episode will be covering my skincare routine! I'll share a quick childhood story and share what I am currently doing and using for my daily skincare regimen. Maybe it'll encourage you to learn more about your skin...

Jul 31, 2021 S02 E03 00:23:35

Hey fam!

As I mentioned in my previous episode, I'll be discussing my TMJ journey today!
Hope you all enjoy this story! If you'd like info on my doctor and experience, here's the info!

AZ Sleep and TMJ Solutions

Jul 20, 2021 S02 E02 00:26:28

Hey y'all!

So sorry I'm a few days late!!!
Today’s episode will be covering my current health regimen. 
I’ll share a funny story about aging, explain how I’ve been managing my health over the past year and share some memories ab...

Jul 01, 2021 S02 E01 00:19:26

Welcome back y'all! 

This first episode will introduce new elements and topics for this next season! 
You'll also hear my first paid gig! Here's the link to the full video!


Jun 03, 2021 S01 E05 00:18:24

Hey yall!

Today’s episode will be an overview of this first season and to briefly discuss topics and structure for the next season!Another oracle card reading will be at the end of the episode!
So feel free to end the episode if these two par...

May 27, 2021 S01 E04 00:31:45

Welcome back!

Today’s episode will cover the events that happened throughout my childhood. From my very first memory to the events leading up to my last episode; 
I’ll be sharing the rest of my life experiences and a few memories with you all...

May 13, 2021 S01 E03 00:31:37

Hey fam!

This episode will be covering the second half of my college life. Its a bit more emotionally intense than the previous episode, so be prepared! 

The last 7 minutes of this episode will be an oracle card reading, so let me know w...

May 07, 2021 S01 E02 00:21:20

Hey everyone! 

This episode will be covering my life experiences as a college student at the University of CA, Santa Barbara.

I will be sharing how I survived being in a toxic relationship, overcame a huge health battle, and the hardship...

Apr 30, 2021 S01 E01 00:22:36

Welcome back fam!

This episode will be covering who I am today, and my career path for the past 10 years. 

I will be discussing about my hardships and emotional stress, how the pandemic affected my life and the decisions I had to make to...

Apr 20, 2021 S01 00:10:27


My name is Janny Nguyen! This initial episode will be briefly covering about who I am, and why I'm starting a podcast! I want my listeners to know what I'm interested in and what I'll be discussing to better prepare and make s...
